COVID-19 Updates: Meet-Up/event policies & best host practices

Updated: August 11, 2022

As a company founded on the principles of community building and fostering genuine connections, we are full of hope at the prospect of being able to safely gather again in person.

Virtual events have been lifelines for communities across the world to stay connected during uncertain times; it’s clear that online events are here to stay. Yet, as regions reopen we support people getting back together in person as long as they do so safely. That’s the foundation of Books, Brunches & Booze®. As governments and local health officials update their guidance on public gatherings, we’re committed to helping hosts host safe and responsible in-person Books, Brunches & Booze® events for their members.

It is important that all hosts and members who decide to meet in person are aware of and follow local regulations. We understand that these regulations vary by state, region, and country, so it is up to each host and member to understand and follow the guidelines specific to where they are meeting. Books, Brunches & Booze® may close chapters or cancel events if they promote activities that do not comply with requirements and guidance issued by government authorities and public health officials. In addition, using the Meetup platform to disseminate harmful misinformation—medical or otherwise—is not permitted.

If you wish to report any illegal or unsafe activities at a Books, Brunches & Booze® event, you can make a report to Books, Brunches & Booze® directly. However you should also report that conduct to your local authorities. 

Respect and safety are important aspects of community

We encourage every member of the Books, Brunches & Booze® community to continue to take precautions to limit the risk of transmitting illnesses during events. One way to do this is to monitor local, state, and national guidelines on in-person gatherings. For U.S.-based hosts, follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For hosts in other countries, please review the guidelines from the World Health Organization. These recommendations change frequently in response to transmission trends, so monitor guidelines often.


The CDC is continuing to update its guidelines for people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Some Books, Brunches & Booze® hosts are hosting in-person events with a requirement that attendees show proof of vaccination and some hosts are not—it is up to the discretion of each host in consultation with their local guidelines. If you choose to host events with a vaccination requirement, Books, Brunches & Booze® recommends that you communicate this information in advance and widely by including it in your chapter description, event description, and in any other relevant communications about the event. In the interest of privacy, you should not have members post images of vaccination cards on the Books, Brunches & Booze® platform. If you decide to require proof of vaccination, have attendees show their vaccination cards at the event. 


Guidelines for hosting safe, high-quality events 

Help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Use these recommendations to plan your next in-person event.

Communicate with members before and during your event

  • Share your chapter’s safety guidelines with your members in your chapter description, event description, and at the beginning of your event. You can use the following recommendations as a guide.

Create an online option

  • Hybrid events (events that take place in person and online) on Books, Brunches & Booze® are seeing a steady increase in popularity. To the extent possible, live stream your event so that members who are not able to attend or are not comfortable attending the event in person can still participate online.

Encourage healthy behavior

  • Discourage members with flu-like symptoms from attending.

  • Remind members to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Encourage members to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use the inside of their elbow.

Meet outside when possible

  • Host events outdoors or in a large, well-ventilated area.

Recommend personal protective equipment

  • Ask members to wear cloth face coverings and other personal protective equipment during the event.

Promote social distancing

  • Plan activities that allow members to stay about 6 feet apart as often as possible.

Set an attendee limit

  • Limit the number of members who can attend your event. This limit may vary based on requirements from your local government.

Set a flexible cancellation policy

  • Whether or not you charge an event fee, give members the option to stay home if they’re not feeling well up until the event starts.

Accommodate hand washing

  • Encourage members to wash their hands with soap and water frequently or provide hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Avoid sharing

  • Minimize sharing equipment of any kind and avoid communal food. Ask members to bring their own snacks and equipment. Use disposable materials whenever possible.

Clean up afterwards

  • Ask members to help disinfect the event space. If you clean the event space on their behalf, wear protective gear like gloves and wash your hands immediately afterwards.

Since its founding, Books, Brunches & Booze® has been at the forefront of community building, connecting thousands of people through shared passions. Our chapter hosts are at the center of this mission, and in-person events are the foundation of what we do. Thank you for your continued dedication to building community by hosting events that are as safe as they are engaging.

For more organizer resources, visit the Community Matters blog.